Privacy fences are a great way to protect your home and everyone in it. If you live near a busy street, a privacy fence can help block the view into your yard from passersby. Most privacy fences are even tall enough to block the view into your home from the street. This is perfect if you don't want strangers to see you as you go about your life on the first floor of your home. You can get tall wooden fences or vinyl fences to give your yard more privacy. Both also look very neat and polished, so your yard will still look great from your point of view. A privacy fence is also great at blocking the view out of your yard if you have a dog that barks at anything that walks by. Taking away the visual of people or cars passing your property can encourage a quieter dog. Who doesn't want that? You can rest easy knowing that a privacy fence will prevent strangers from watching your family members as they enjoy your yard. We'd highly recommend it.
A second reason to get a fence installed on your property is to keep children and dogs where they belong. Children, especially younger children, have a tendency to wander off towards anything they find interesting. Without a fence, your child could roam into a road, the woods, or your neighbor's yard. It's clear why that would be dangerous. A fence will keep both children and dogs in the yard so they can't take off unnoticed. While it's recommended to always keep an eye on younger children while they play outside, a fence is a great helping hand in case you need to run inside to get a drink or some snacks. You can leave the child outside for a minute knowing that they cannot leave your property thanks to your backyard fence. Speaking of dogs and children, a fence also offers the bonus perk of helping to keep toys and balls on your property so they aren't lost. You won't have to go retrieve a ball every two seconds because the fence is there to stop it!
Do you often catch people crossing through your lawn? It can be extremely frustrating to watch a total stranger trample your grass to save themselves a few steps. By adding a fence to your yard, they won't be able to take a shortcut anymore! This is extremely beneficial if you live on a street corner where people don't want to stay on the sidewalk, or if the neighborhood kids cut through your lawn to visit their friends. Even if you don't catch people walking through your yard, a fence is still a great investment. Sometimes all you need to stop a potential crime is something that makes it more time-consuming. Someone may be planning to steal a bike from a backyard shed. Given the choice between your home with a fence and the neighbor's without one, we can almost guarantee they'll opt for the neighbors. It's less conspicuous and takes them less time. Crimes require speed and ease, both of which are hindered when you have a fence installed.
One final way a fence can protect your family and pets is by keeping wild critters at bay. While they can't do much about birds, squirrels, and chipmunks, they're excellent at keeping gophers, opossums, deer, and skunks away. If you have a garden, you'll definitely benefit from getting a fence installed. Many wild critters love to snack on your growing vegetables, which will destroy your garden! A sturdy and tall fence will keep your plants safe from hungry visitors. A fence will also keep critters away from your dogs as they play in your yard. The last thing you need is a skunk spraying your pup. If you haven't dealt with it before, take our word for it; it takes a lot of work and time before the smell goes away. A fence could be just enough to encourage skunks and potentially-dangerous possums away from your pup to avoid problems.
These are just a few of the many ways that a fence can protect your family and pets. There's a reason why fenced-in yards are so common across the country. If you're ready to add some protection to your property, call Palisade Fence Company at (916) 384-0309. We specialize in redwood, cedar, vinyl, and iron fencing for residential properties. We can remove an existing fence, install a new one, and recycle the old materials in as little as one day! We service Sacramento, CA, and the surrounding areas. Check out our website at to see our gallery and learn more about our services.
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